Wednesday, June 03, 2009

So long Mr. Kennedy...Kennedy

So long, we hardly knew ya. Last week, without much advanced warning, the WWE released Ken "Mr. Kennedy" Anderson after a high profile return on RAW and a horrible match where he almost injured current major domo Randy Orton, potatoed at least one other wrestler and, although reports are conflicting, himself. Reports are Orton, hardly Mr. responsible or mature himself in the not too distant past) verbally dressed him down in front of everyone about protecting fellow workers and how to act when you're in a top position. A lot of pin and denial has since been published and we may never know what really went down. The question is more, what went wrong?

Almost from his debut on the main roster many people earmarked Kennedy as the "next big thing". His gimmick of announcing himself in the ring with the old school, drop down mike got him over as a cool heel to the point you knew a turn was around the corner. However, whenever opportunity arose he was hampered by ring work that while solid, never really improved to that of a lot of the other top guys and, more tellingly, was injury prone. I remember his first opportunity was going to be cashing in the MITB for the championship but an injury leading up to it left Edge in the drivers seat and Kennedy on the sideline. This scenario would continue every time a renewed push happened. It's not fair but some people are just snake bit. Edge had the reputation several years ago of being injury prone and would likely never reach his potential. Well, he proved all the naysayers wrong. Maybe Kennedy will have this same opportunity. I think the WWE felt after the multiple pushes in ring, the ill received attempt to push him mainstream with the Behind Enemy Lines fiasco, and general disappointment it was time to cut ties. Maybe it was best for all involved. Maybe a change of scenery will allow him to blossom. At the end of the day if it's meant to be it's meant to be. If not, well, file "Mr. Kennedy" in the dead letter file next to all the other "next big things"

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